Oh, a friend is one whose presence
Is a happy holiday,
And some minutes spent together
Beat vacations far away.
One whose handclasps for a moment
Far surpass a day of rest,
And is always an oasis
To the one he loves the best.
Yes, a friend is one whose presence
Far exceeds a weekend trip.
And a rendezvous together,
When the two can sit and sip
On a cup of tea and chatter,
Gives to both more rest and zip
Than two weeks high in the mountains
If one friend is far away,
Or a cruise upon the ocean,
When the other has to stay.
And a friend is one who thinketh
Halitosis smelleth sweet
When it cometh from the closeness
Of the one he loves to meet,
When they two can sit together
While they rest their weary feet;
For it’s only at such moments
When they both can feel complete.
Oh, a friend is one who liveth
Oft to share a funny joke;
And one minute spent together
Beats an hour with other folk;
And a friend is one who pulleth
As he shares with me my yoke.
If the road is straight and narrow,
Or exerts a sudden bend,
The one who walks it with you
Is the one we call, “A friend.”